Auto Creative I: Nature Demised Resurrects (2017)
‘Auto creative art is the art of change, movement, growth’
(Metzger,1996, p.60)
'First we had nature.
And then came the Environment.
Environment is the smoke humanity has put on nature'
(Metzger,1996, p.1)
On the 25th Nov 2017, a group of 35 Thames21 volunteers counted 4,350 bottles in a three-hour litter pick at the Concrete Barges, Rainham, a large quantity of this plastic has only been used once. Plastic items to not break down they only break up into small pieces that often are ingested by small animals; the University of Ghent estimated that people eating shellfish are ingesting over 11,000 plastic fragments every year.
Set to a back drop of a recording of this record breaking bottle count, the performance uses painting gesture to play the tuned, recycled sound of plastic bottles and external synth modules. A performance to assert our need to reassess our own individual and collective contribution to the poisoning of natural habitats, and how a shift in perception and conscientiousness can find new uses for our waste.
A big thanks to:
Dannii Guest